Start/Stop/Continue: Speech #3
- I did not incorporate a lot of pictures in my slides for this presentation which I think could have aided visually in the presentation. I didn't add pictures initially because i did not want to force any photos into slides but I still think I could have maybe incorporated another picture or two in some of the early slides.I did not use a picture in any slide until slide 5 or 6
- I would like to start using more “Stage Area” and what I mean by this is start walking around more while speaking. Opposed to standing in one place for the whole duration of the speech. I think this strategy might be hard to implement due to the placement of the projector and the light could potentially be in your face the whole time you are pacing across the stage but, I think it would add another element to the speech that my presentation was maybe lacking
- I would like to start looking up more at a middle point of the audience, I noticed when I watched myself present on video that I was looking down at a timer I had on one of the front desks. I think making better eye contact with the audience could help with my speech
- I said “Uhh/Uhm” many times throughout the duration of my speech.I actually said it more times then I did in my previous speech. Ive had more nervous ticks in speeches as time has progressed. This is one aspect of my verbal presentations that is the weakest in my opinion and can hopefully be resolved altogether by the next speech
- I would like to stop looking at the slideshow throughout the duration of my speech, unless maybe I am reading some statistics. I personally think looking at the slideshow throughout the presentation stalls your performance like looking at a notecard would and when you are constantly looking at your slideshow you are not looking at the audience because your head is turned which is less engaging
- I would like to stop being so nervous because nervousness for me just results in nervous ticks which hinders the full potential of my speech
- I have noticed that sometimes in my speech, my voice will go monotone which in my opinion causes the audience to lose interest in what you are talking about. Because how can the audience be interested in what you are saying if you don't even sound like you are interested in what you are saying how can you expect the audience to stay engaged in your presentation
- One of my strong suits while presenting has been that I am able to memorize a majority of my speech which in turn calls for very minimal glances at both a notecard and slideshow
- Even though I am nervous a lot of the time I have been very good at keeping a poker face and hiding the nervousness or anxiety
- My slideshow in presentation number two was very poorly put together in my opinion and this time around I thought my slideshow was a lot better. It had a lot of vibrant colors which I feel like was an attention grabber in itself
- I have been able to include some comedy in all three of my speeches which has been an ice breaker and has helped me feel more comfortable while on stage
- Ive been very good at using hand gestures in every performance thus far which I think is crucial while public speaking
- I cited my sources verbally which I liked more than just showing everyone my work cited page at the end of the presentation and just ending on that. Because i told my audience who my sources were verbally I was able to end my presentation with a “Thank you for watching slide”
Moves That I Liked:
1. I really liked Jake’s overly dramatic presentation I thought it was something different it definitely caught my attention and not only that it is something that has not yet been done in the class which made it memorable. The brutal images of dogs and cats was something straight out of a Sarah McLachlan animal commercial
2. Nick LaQuay had some moving pieces on his slideshow which was interesting he had a galaxy backround and then used a nice array of colors that really popped when he put them on the dark backround. Also I really enjoyed nicks media at the end of his presentation; it was just a perspective measure for how big the universe actually is. I was really into that. I was kind of bummed when it was cut short due to time restraints it reminded me of Neil Degrasse Tyson’s show “Cosmos”
3. Linda did an overview which I really liked and was very clear and precise throughout the whole duration of her presentation. If I remember correctly, she also started her presentation with a question which was interesting. It reminded me of something you would see in a TED talk presentation