Saturday, April 30, 2016

AI: The smart dating site

Start/Stop/Continue for Speech 4

Start/Stop/Continue - Speech #4

Start: With this speech, I thought collectively my group did a great job.  There was a few interactions when talking where we could have been more smooth and that in turn would have made the dialogue more fluid. Also, because our presentation was more of a skit then a speech we had “lines” and some lines were forgotten but it is totally fine because we were able to improvise as a group and I thought we did the best job of any group in exchanging dialogue among group members. I think Taka and I could have maybe had more dialogue throughout the speech. But it was kind of hard to incorporate us. In actual shark tank pitches, the sharks aren't really talking that much because they are listening to what the presenters have to say and deciding whether they are going to invest or not. Sometimes some of the sharks don't even say anything throughout a whole sales pitch. 

Stop: This time around I don't think there was anything we have to stop. The speech went very well! We had a collective of brilliant minds with positive ideas and good speakers. We were able to come up with our speech very fast and worked on some of the video after class a few days. We all had a similar vision for how we thought the speech would come out and it came out great! 

Continue: The video was great! Shout out to Jake for doing most of that video by himself, that was hilarious! Ive watched it maybe five times and each time have laughed. Kyle did a lot of the prezi with the help of Taka and I. Taka and I decided when we were going to interrupt Jake and Kyle’s sales pitch in order to get some dialogue. Taka and I dressing up I thought was a good move on our part. We looked professional and it gave us a sort of powerful look when we were sitting down and talking. 

  • Taka and I grabbed some of the same sized chairs from the communications lab in order to be sitting on the same level and in the same chair. All the sharks in the shark tank show sit in the same chair. We also did not want to create the illusion that one of us was more powerful then another based solely on how we were sitting in a chair. 
  • Taka and I were dressed up to mimic an actual shark tank pitch and in order to look like serious business men 
  • Taka and I did an opening monologue before the movie began in which we addressed the audience and welcomed to a special shark tank presentation and it also gave us time to shut off the lights and then start the movie. 
  • Jake and Kyle walked in on a cue given by me so that they would walk in right when the last scene of the video ended and they opened the door 
  • Our group knew that we were going to be the finale and we wanted to end all of our speeches on a good note so what we did is we created a really cool introductory movie that tied in pieces from previous speeches(i.e Spickle, Spackle, Sparkle) as well as some of our fellow classmates. We also tried to tie in other groups ideas and shark tank business pitches to get everyone involved. Which actually turned out to be pretty cool!
  • Taka and I throughout the duration of the speech held notepads like the sharks do in the actual shark tank show and just pretended to write stuff down throughout the duration of the speech to insinuate that we were writing down notes about the company Ai. We also had some of our lines and cues on when to interrupt the speakers written down on the notepads which in my opinion was a solid utilization of the notepad 
  • Taka and I went into a bidding war after the creators of Ai gave us their shpeel to try to make the shark tank pitch as authentic as it could be. Taka had more money then i did so we had to settle on an agreement because i knew deep down that i wasn't going to outbid the Japanese businessman 

Moves Acknowledged: 
  1. I really liked Ben’s Tar off groups move and how they did the individual skits and they all played different roles and then ended it with the cheesy, “Thank you Tar Genie” line everytime 
  2. Team Mccool had a few really good moves that i liked, they had the architectural plan in their slideshow that was really cool that had the whole layout of their business. They also had Steven putting on all the different hats in order to separate all the different characters he was playing 
  3. Team Ling had the super dramatic video of Ling realizing that she lost her kid which was pretty cool and very authentic and relevant to their idea. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Outline for Speech #4: Sharktank Pitch

Jake and ignatius are the representatives for the application “AI.” It is a dating site for people with common interest. Taka and myself are the sharks and we are big players in our field of choice. Kyle and Jake are coming to the shark tank and are looking for investors in their company. Taka and I are just some massive players in the game so we got a bunch of money that we may or may not throw at Kyle and Ignatius. We are going to ask them some questions and try to break them down and try to find some flaws in their plans and then determine whether we are going to invest big bucks or not. We have some funny ideas and it is going to be a good speech