Introduction: I am Canyon Gutierrez and the person I am stuck in an elevator with our Communications professor Zack De Pierro. I am trying to persuade him to purchase a boot preserver known as Spickle Spackle Sparkle.
Elevator Pitch: Hello Zack, its me again Canyon from your communications 131 class. Ive seen you around and every time you are in what I would consider a supreme pair of leather timberland boots. It would be a damn shame to have an exquisite pair of boots such as yours get either scuffed or wet. What are you currently using to preserve those, if you don't mind me asking? Spickle Spackle Sparkle? Nothing? Wow. Well allow me to retort with this! I my good sir! Have got the product for you. Our operation is still very small but Spickle Spackle Sparkle; like every good company has done is starting from the bottom and work our way up. And let me tell you Spickle Spackle Sparkle is going higher then any leather preservative has gone before. Buy one container now and your investment is sure to appreciate. You got to get yours while the getting is good. An opportunity like this does not come around very often and when it does you have to capitalize. ZDP! May I call you ZDP? SURE I CAN! Ill tell you what if you buy one container of Spickle Spackle Sparkle right now before you and I ascend to the forty fifth floor. I will throw in an extra container of Spickle Spackle Sparkle for free. That is right, you heard that correctly! Your ears are not deceiving you! That is two containers of Spickle Spackle Sparkle for the price of one
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