1. What is a Radio Broadcast:
- Radio Broadcast: A unidirectional wireless transmission over radio waves intended to reach a wide audience(google definition)
- Radio Broadcast tend to air from hubs known as radio stations
- In order to have a Radio Broadcast you must first have a Radio Station
- People who talk on these radio stations are known as Disk Jockeys(or DJ's)
2. Russian Nesting Doll a Radio Station: Broadcast Syndication - DJ Talking On The Radio
- Most Broadcast Syndications run on either FM or AM radio. The only difference between these two is the variation in the wave length pattern

- Now a DJ's job at the radio station is one of many. Most importantly, he/she is supposed to make sure the music and the commercials line up and one does not cut off the other.
- Commercials and advertisements are very important for broadcast syndications as they are for many media mediums such as television, youtube, music networks such as sound cloud and pandora etc. Because this is predominantly how these stations make there money. No commercial advertisements = no mula = no music = No DJ = no radio station.
- A DJ also gives interviews on the radio with either musicians local legends whoever it is the station is interviewing on that day
- DJ's take calls from listeners when it comes to giving out tickets which stations tend to do. They usually have some ultimatum with listeners. For example: If you are caller number 9 and you can recite the last five songs we just played we will give you and a friend tickets to go see U2.
- Sometimes there is two DJ's in the room at the same time having a back and forth conversation on the radio
- A lot of the time a DJ will make his set have snippets from movies or TV shows that play on the radio as a transition and then either play a song or then cut to commercial
- DJ's are normally talking on the radio with headphones on their ears so they can hear what they are putting onto the radio and they usually have a huge soundboard in front of them
- A lot of DJ's especially rap DJ's tend to push sound buttons that make outrageous sounds on air such as air horns, bells, sound bites etc.
- SHOW CLIP EXAMPLE OF RADIO DJhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ccih2cO3NIE
- Do a DJ Impression: 2 minutes Long
- I need to start making more eye contact with the audience, although it was kind of difficult to maintain eye contact with the audience while trying to give a pitch to someone who is not there but rather is metaphorically supposed to be standing there next to you it would still be good to maybe shift my body position so I’m facing the audience more rather then solely looking to the left side of me
- I need to extend my speech a little bit longer because my speech was exactly two minutes and thirty seconds and that is cutting it pretty close. If I maybe forget a couple more lines(which is very easy to do when I’m nervous) in my speech then I start to fall under the time threshold
- I need to include a rebuttal I did not include any retort that Zack would’ve said to me which should be included in my next speech, in order to cover the full spectrum of my sales pitch
- I need to speak a little louder, in the video recording of my speech it sounded like my voice wasn’t really projecting but I think that was due to me changing my voice slightly for the whole speech
- I need to cut down on speech ticks I did say “uhm” three times and said “like” once which is not acceptable and I expect better from myself
- I need to remember my lines better. I did not use a notecard which was a plus for my first speech of the semester but I did forget two or three lines that could have made the speech flow better and maybe could have even gotten me a couple more laughs out of the audience
- I should have practiced this speech more, I did practice only one or two days. But because the speeches are equivalent to tests in a public speaking course I should have practiced more
- On my elevator speech rubric graded by Zack, it said that I did not really make it clear where we were during the pitch. I did write on the board that we were in the communications building elevator. But I did not make that as clear as it should've been in my monologue
- I need to be able to improvise on some parts of the speech when I forget what I practiced. There was a part of the speech after talking to Zack about the backround information of Spickle Spackle Sparkle where I was then supposed to tell him about a two for one offer in a specific way but I forgot what I was going to say and I used three mental ticks to fill the time and then told him in a way that kind of veered away from the theme of the rest of the speech.
- Using mental ticks to fill the time of the speech because it slows down the fluidity. And because I changed my voice for the entirety of my speech; when I used a mental tick my voice would go back to my regular voice and it was very evident in the film that the tick was a stall in the flow
- Getting a wave of anxiety prior to going up to do my speech. Everyone has to do the same speech as I do. Yet I was so nervous prior to the speech, that my legs were shaking while I was sitting down in the class room waiting for my name to be called
- Leaving out parts of my speech that I have practiced
- I was talking to quickly for the last part of the speech and while I was talking very fast. It was maybe hard for the audience to comprehend what I was saying
- Breathe normally, I noticed my breathing was getting a little weird in the beginning of my speech because I was so nervous and it felt like I was holding my breath
- Speaking very confidently throughout my speech because it hides the nervousness and anxiety you are feeling
- Not using a notecard because looking at your notecards stalls your speech temporarily and when people are holding a notecard in their hand you can see how nervous they are because the notecard is shaking
- Practicing my speech prior to going out there because a lot of people did not practice their speech prior to going up there and it was very evident
- Including some comedy in the speech because it breaks the tension in the room
- Talking very smoothly with no blunders in my speech because once I mess up in a speech I start to get in my head and I start to think about messing up, more then the actual speech itself and then that causes a larger chance for error
- Using a good amount of hand gestures throughout your speech and continue to practice hand gestures as well. Do not just throw miscellaneous hand gestures in there once you are giving the actual speech