Speech #2: Navigating Genres - Radio Broadcast
1. What is a Radio Broadcast:
- Radio Broadcast: A unidirectional wireless transmission over radio waves intended to reach a wide audience(google definition)
- Radio Broadcast tend to air from hubs known as radio stations
- In order to have a Radio Broadcast you must first have a Radio Station
- People who talk on these radio stations are known as Disk Jockeys(or DJ's)
2. Russian Nesting Doll a Radio Station: Broadcast Syndication - DJ Talking On The Radio
- Most Broadcast Syndications run on either FM or AM radio. The only difference between these two is the variation in the wave length pattern

- Now a DJ's job at the radio station is one of many. Most importantly, he/she is supposed to make sure the music and the commercials line up and one does not cut off the other.
- Commercials and advertisements are very important for broadcast syndications as they are for many media mediums such as television, youtube, music networks such as sound cloud and pandora etc. Because this is predominantly how these stations make there money. No commercial advertisements = no mula = no music = No DJ = no radio station.
- A DJ also gives interviews on the radio with either musicians local legends whoever it is the station is interviewing on that day
- DJ's take calls from listeners when it comes to giving out tickets which stations tend to do. They usually have some ultimatum with listeners. For example: If you are caller number 9 and you can recite the last five songs we just played we will give you and a friend tickets to go see U2.
- Sometimes there is two DJ's in the room at the same time having a back and forth conversation on the radio
- A lot of the time a DJ will make his set have snippets from movies or TV shows that play on the radio as a transition and then either play a song or then cut to commercial
- DJ's are normally talking on the radio with headphones on their ears so they can hear what they are putting onto the radio and they usually have a huge soundboard in front of them
- A lot of DJ's especially rap DJ's tend to push sound buttons that make outrageous sounds on air such as air horns, bells, sound bites etc.
- SHOW CLIP EXAMPLE OF RADIO DJhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ccih2cO3NIE
- Do a DJ Impression: 2 minutes Long
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